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Dutch government is smashing the ongoing energy crisis

By subsidizing partially the costs. But the devil's in the details.

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State of the Union: Bad. And Six takeaways from Ursula von der Leyen's keynote speech.

The same recycled themes from the previous years. Except maybe Corona (for now). (Cover by

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Politicians see no problem sacrificing their own citizens

And similar to the COVID campaign, economically fighting Russia enters unicorn land

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Natural gas and the climate change hypocrisy

When not imported from Russia, natural gas seems to be cleaner.

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Gas (and electricity) prices update

The price of energy continues to rise. Sky is the limit.

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The natural gas price is getting ugly

The gas price seems to leave childhood and become a teen.

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Life (in the Netherlands) is getting more expensive, starting with 1st July

Life in the NL is getting more expensive with 1st July.

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Energy prices by the end of 2020, in NL

Energy prices by the end of 2020 NL

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Energy bills (a.k.a. natural gas prices) are set to rise again in 2020

Gas prices to go up in 2020, part of the government "strategy"

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Privatization is not what it looks like - energy sector this time

An article describing how the energy sector is moving into foreign hands, with a greater problem underneath.

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Prinsjesdag 2018

Prinsjesdag 2018

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