State of the Union: Bad. And Six takeaways from Ursula von der Leyen's keynote speech.

The same recycled themes from the previous years. Except maybe Corona (for now). (Cover by

 Economy   September 15, 2022

For the full details of the speech, you can check the original article here. I'll just express my personal opinion on each of them below:

1. 'Sanctions are here to stay'

Of course they are. That is the base of the whole shenanigan, the very core of the current actions: punishing Putin and by extension Russia, at any cost, even if that means to sacrifice the whole European Union. Backing up on this means loosing face at the highest level. This game will be played into oblivion. And the US has special interests in this war to continue since they are the main source of natgas replacement for Europe.

2. 'We have to decouple'

That means that the current energy crisis is entirely Putin's fault and the continuous years of forcibly pushing so called green energy, aside with shutting down the nuclear facilities has nothing to do with it. Capped prices for natural gas, forced shared profits of the energy companies and forced reduction in consumption sounds like grabbed from an authoritarian, communist regime book.

3. 'We must make nature our first ally'

This is related to the point above, green energy market. Of course, climate change is to blame and all the bad things with the weather happens now due to carbon dioxide and cow's farts. Before 1900 the weather was basically perfect. Miss Ursula will even help the firefighters with some equipment: "10 light aircrafts and 3 helicopters". 3 helicopters!!! Not more than that, since those are not electrical but eating kerosene.

4. 'A new reality of higher public debt'

That means two things: on one hand she talks about fiscal rules, strategic investment, safeguarding fiscal sustainability. On the other hand, she's ignoring the cause of the inflation today in Europe, and that's the crazy money printing machine called ECB. Which monetized tons and tons of public debt, for some countries that are technically insolvent. But, as Miss Ursula says: high debt was a "new reality.". This means more printing and more inflation to come, in order to save, first of all, Italy and the Eurozone.

5. 'We must also eradicate corruption at home'

She's gently touching the Chinese here (Chinese center in Amsterdam). But that main target of this part of the statements are actually Hungary and Poland, two countries that are not playing the Brussels song, and which refused in the past, to put European Commission's interest above their own citizens interests. She's calling them corrupted countries

.... we must also eradicate corruption at home, she said

Which is quite rich coming from a person which forgot about the messages with the Pfizer CEO related to the huge business called anti Corona vaccines. She still has a lot of explanations to give about the whole shady deal. Obviously she won't...

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