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Do we need the digital euro? Yes, like a hole in the head

From the same ECB guys that brought you rampant inflation, another fine release.

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The buying power of the Dutch will get more hits this year

And the budget is not quite a happy land.

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Inflation Measurements in NL - part IV

How the ECB should measure inflation, a quick hands-on guide.

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Inflation Measurements in NL - part III

How the ECB should measure inflation, a quick hands-on guide.

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Inflation Measurements in NL

How the ECB should measure inflation, a quick hands-on guide.

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Energy prices in the Netherlands 2023

Inflation rate will get a booster (pun intended)

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Croatia moves closer to the eurozone

And closer of thrashing their economy.

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Fighting inflation is up to the private sector, thinks Dutch government

Since the government is part of the problem, and not of the solution

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ECB is simulating fighting the inflation generated by itself

European Central Bank is a failure that will affect the whole European Union

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Mario Draghi wants European Union to be less of an union

And more like a dictatorship of a few. Like ECB.

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Dutch government created a big hole in the finances

And the taxpayers will be the ones cover for it.

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Europe is drowning in the inflation waves - but it has also a solution

Lagarde is assuring us that everything is short term

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The Netherlands has a huge inflation and housing problem - but no real solution

And the main culprit is the European Central Bank (ECB)

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5.6% official inflation in the Netherlands

Complete the description of the article

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House prices in the Netherlands - record after record

And how the Dutch Central Bank discovers the hot water (Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)

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Poland and EU

Shall the national interest be put above the EU one or not?

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ECB Balance Sheet March 2021

ECB Balance Sheet shoots through the roof. (Photo by cottonbro from Pexels)

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ECB goes easy...

Creating euros out of the thin air in a responsible way

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