2020/2021 - a (Corona) Retrospective

After 2 years into pandemic, it's less about the virus and more about our freedom

 Social   January 4, 2022

Two years already passed and we're still not done with so called pandemic. Now in the beginning of 2022, we can take a look behind and note a couple of things, as some sort of retrospective. Let's go!

The vaccines were developed in a record amount of time

In the beginning of 2020, the genetic sequence of the coronavirus was published and things started to move into the direction of discovering and producing a vaccine against it.

In February 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) said it did not expect a vaccine against SARS‑CoV‑2 to become available in less than 18 months.[9] Virologist Paul Offit commented that, in hindsight, the development of a safe and effective vaccine within 11 months was a remarkable feat.

Source: History of COVID-19.

There are a lot of details in the efforts and money implied in this operation, and by the looks of it, a lot of shortcuts were taken. Years of trials and efforts were compressed in months. Canadian Covid Care Alliance has a nice pdf about this. In August 2020, Russia announced their own developed vaccine, Sputnik V. This became the first registered vaccine, but at that point in time, no other Western pharmaceutical company was able to offer something, so this news was ignored. The race was not only about creating a vaccine, but being created and sold by the chosen companies. Some sort of protectionism, putting money above health concerns at that moment.

The vaccination campaign was implemented in 2021

The whole 2021 was marked by a global vaccination campaign.

As of 2 January 2022, 9.2 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered worldwide, with 58.3 percent of the global population having received at least one dose.

The anti-corona measures is now a big (money) industry

We don't expect that the pharmaceutical companies to produce a vaccine for nothing. Everything has a price, although this is not coming into any sort of discussion. Since the vaccination campaign at this stage is basically forced against the population via different strategies (check mandatory vaccination in Austria, or Italy for example), we should take even more into consideration the monetary relationship.

Prices are quite varying based on the customer and orders, but they are roughly between $32 and $37 per dose for Moderna, 20$/dose for Pfizer, 3$ for AstraZeneca as some sort of no profit initial price. Beside the vaccines themselves, there is the whole logistic chain of transporting these, store them in special conditions and involve medical trained personal to administrate them.

Corona Testing is another branch where tons of money are made.

An investigation by the Kaiser Family Foundation determined that the cost of a test can range anywhere from $20 to $850, with $127 being the median cost. Currently, the Medicare reimbursement rate for a COVID-19 test is either $51 or $100, depending on the type of test offered. For those who end up paying out of pocket, there was a smaller range of $36 to $180 per test.


In the last week, as an example, in the Netherlands, around 50.000 tests were conducted daily! At a middle cost of 50 euro per test, that means 2.5 million euro per day only for this operation. It doesn't include the salaries and additional costs with the facilities.

The virus intensity (as mortality) decreased over time

Starting with Feb 2021, the infection cases started to decrease even if the Delta variant was now in the spotlights. From March the drop (based on Dutch data) was abrupt and stayed like this until the end of the year, when a more infectious but milder variant took over the statistics: Omicron.

Extreme censorship was heavily implemented at all levels

Obvious now, there is a massive propaganda and censorship machine all over the media and internet (Youtube, Twitter, etc). All the voices that are raising concerns about vaccines and anti-Covid policies are suppressed. Everyone trying to do this, is labelled as anti-vaxxer or worse. There is a complete hysteria and fear mongering maintained at a high level of the governments officials.

Alternative treatments were suppressed

No discussion was allowed to take place outside the official narrative of vaccines that are highly effective (which they're not as recent history shows). The participants in this sort of alternative treatments were vilified and censored.

The children seem to be at minuscule risk and age didn't matter in vaccination campaign

The vaccination started with the old people, but it didn't take into account the age of participants at any point in time. Everyone was treated as they will need the jabs, otherwise bad things will happen to them. This is fortunately not at all the case with children or young (healthy) population, that doesn't need vaccines in the first place. Still, now they want to extended for children starting with the age of 5.

Natural immunity is much better than the one from vaccination. This is deliberately ignored.

Different studies revealed the fact that the natural immunity following an infection is way more superior that the one induced by vaccines. Of course, this didn't go that well with the pharma industry since it will mean that the already infected ones don't need at all future jabs. Natural immunity confers even longer lasting protection.

Vaccines are declared as highly effective. Still, boosters are now in place twice per year

Vaccines werer declared as our way to deal with pandemic and return to the normal life. Retrospectively that is a blatant lie. Not only we are not back to our normal life, but less than 1 year after the start of vaccination campaign, a new jab is required (catalogued as booster, although it does nothing as such). The Netherlands is even preparing 2 boosters this year, with a third (!) in 2023. Austria made it already mandatory for the Dutch tourist to have 3 jabs AND a negative test at arrival. Still, almost thousand of these are now positive.

There is a heavy price to pay for destroyed social and economical life

A lot of small stores and family businesses are in hot water since the government is starting and stopping the economical activity as it wishes. We're currently in a 3 weeks lockdown (over holidays nevertheless) here in the Netherlands, which seems to get extended. This has already angered business owners (who were not killed so far financially). Outbreak Management Team (OMT) is justifying this by uncertainties of Omicron variant. These people looks like they have a direct interest (or a conflict of interest to call it like this) for this situation to continue forever. It might be a financial incentive as well involved.

Governments are now used to be more authoritarian. Freedom is lost.

At this point, governments are acting as dictatorships, or fascist entities, restricting basic freedoms and liberties. Take this as an example:

"The unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And so we will continue to do so, to the bitter end. That's the strategy," the head of state said. "When my freedom comes to threaten that of other people, I become irresponsible. An irresponsible person is no longer a citizen."

This is coming from a big pile of shit called Emmanuel Macron. A president which is elected(!) to defend its citizen's rights and well-being, promise to treat them like shit. Just keep in mind that unvaccinated doesn't mean a person without vaccination at all, but a person without up to date vaccination! If you don't take the booster, you're becoming unvaccinated (and you'll be pissed off by this junk).

There is a lot more to say, but we have to finish it here. Conclusions:

The current handling of pandemic, after 2 years, is hardly matching the reality. Vaccines have limited efficiency and they're doing basically nothing against the new variant Omicron. This variant is milder and it's not justifying at all the authoritarian measures in place. Still, they are pushed down the throat at a global scale, since there is (still) money to be made. History will tell us how much corruption was at extremely high level of power to make this possible. For the moment, the people are starting to wake up and go into the streets to demand their freedom back.

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