Austria officially becomes a fascist country

Forced vaccinations will fix the problems (they think).

 Social   November 19, 2021

In a (not so) unexpected turn of events, Austria chancellor Alexander Schallenberg decided that the horror show called covid is not progressing fast enough and more firm action is required.

Therefore,  a complete lockdown will start on Monday (22 Nov) and it will last 10 days. A partial lockdown is already running against unvaccinated for one or two weeks now, but screw it! Let's jump a couple of steps and hit the final target: compulsory vaccination.

The chancellor also announced that vaccinations would be mandatory from February 1. “We haven’t been able to convince enough people to vaccinate. For too long, I and others have assumed that you can convince people to get vaccinated,” he added, giving his rationale for the mandate.

Well, if you have to convince people that the vaccines are good, you probably should convince them that also fascism is good. Since this guy will be remember in history, (if he manages to push his craziness until February), as the initiator of the Fourth Reich.

We have examples of fully vaccinated countries (Israel, Gibraltar) that shows clearly that won't fix the problem. But this rush is understandable: the vaccines inefficiency started to emerge (even amongst already vaccinated) and the population should be put back in its place. Obedient population, happy overlords. 

By the way, the image here portraying a fine gentleman with a crazy look is about Mr. Schallenberg. What it's interesting is that he's chancellor since 11 October this year, so it didn't take more than 1 month to have such crazy decision.

Now we shall see how many people will be in the streets. For the moment they have to obey the lockdown (imposed to cut the initial fury of the masses).

And we'll see if they succeed to make it a law in the beginning of next year.

My guess is that soon, other countries in EU will follow suit. Since that was the whole point from the beginning.

Vaccination is not about cure, is about total fascist control.

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