Blaming the unvaccinated. Ignoring the elephant in the room.

Cheap propaganda based on statistics

 Social   November 22, 2021

From time to time, some online news websites are following the official propaganda, and they blame (more or less direct) the unvaccinated for the whole situation. This category of people is used at the moment as a scapegoat for 18 months of failed measures, lockdowns, masks on, masks off, restrictions of personal freedom in the name of the medical greater good, and all the other goodies imposed by the government. The cherry on top is obviously the vaccination campaign, which despite the fact was quite successful, failed to provide a return to normal life.

For example, we find out here that unvaccinated represent 69% of Covid cases in ICU (Intensive Care Unit). They don't offer also the number in the article, only the percentage. Digging a little bit further, the official numbers are pointing out to 217 new intakes on ICU (with 1390 new generic hospital intakes). This is for the whole Netherlands for one week (9 - 16 Nov). The total number of ICU at this point: 466 (for a population of around 18 million people).

If we're here to play by statistics, and ignore the statements as vaccination proved to be 7 times more efficient than..., we can notice that the vaccinated people, the ones supposedly on the safe side, are still representing 31% from the cases in ICU! And no less that 46% of the hospitalizations. I mean, you expect to see a couple of cases here and there, but to measure for one third of the serious hospitalization and for half of the regular care, well... some questions started to be raised about the real efficiency of the vaccines.

And that's important. If the vaccines are providing a small extra protection, then it's fine, let's go for them. You want to take the vaccine, please do it. But in the same time, the rest of us can judge for themselves if that extra protection is worth the risk or not. And after this, both categories of people can together judge if limiting the social life, ruining economy in some sectors and everything in between is actually justified by this sacrifice.

We've been 18 months into this mess, and we're still running in circle. And even countries with a huge vaccination coverage are not so ok. Israel spent 16,068,726 doses in this fight (88.7% of the whole population - basically almost everyone over 18) and is not yet done with this.

Here in the Netherlands, the statistics are looking like this:

The not vaccinated are light blue, and the dark blue are the vaccinated ones. The gray is unknown (that's a strange category to be honest), but still we can apply the 54-46 percentage there as well. And then you notice there is hardly an improvement from the vaccines point of view for the people over age of 50.

So, in conclusion: if you think you'll get some extra protection from one, two, five vaccines, do it! There is no queuing anymore and anyone willing to do so, they can do it. But let's stop once for all with the illusion that the vaccinates are the only way out of this. Or the endless list of restrictions.

Let's start to notice the real elephant in the room.

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