Blast from the past: climate change (false) prophets

Noel Brown - when climate change fails to match your (doom and gloomy) predictions. By far.

 Social   December 4, 2019

Climate change fear mongering is not something new, through the time we have plenty of examples, but people tend to forget quite easily so in this today's episode, mister doctor Noel Brown.

His visit card is quite impressive:

Dr. Noel Brown is the former Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, North American Regional office. Dr. Brown holds a B.A. in Political Science and Economics from Seattle University, an M.A. in International Law and Organization from Georgetown University and Ph. D. in International Relations from Yale University. He also holds a diploma in International Law from The Hague Academy of International Law.

But, somewhere in 1989, he was stating the following:

This is also in other sources of that period:

So basically, a senior UN environmental official, gave us 10 years window to save the planet (until 2000). And the conservative scientific estimated a range even up to 7 degrees in the next 30 years (that is until 2020, which is around the corner). Rising sea level will wipe off whole nations. Bangladesh will lose 1/6th of its land surface. Crop failures. Eco-refugees. The whole set.

From which, nothing actually happen after more than 30 years.

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