Boosters over boosters over boosters...

Opponents to vaccine mandates protest in Nuremberg, Germany on Dec. 19, 2021. (Leonhard Simon/Getty Images)

 Social   December 28, 2021

It's this time France who feels that even more restrictions should be put in place:

The delay before receiving a booster jab in France was brought down from four to three months, the government has announced among a raft of measures to curb the impact of the Omicron variant.

Damn, a booster every three months is not that much of a crazy idea these days, isn't it? Maybe a booster a day will keep the Covid away? Or the governments happy? Who knows... ;)

There is this dilemma: on one hand you promote vaccines as good and reliable; on the other hand you promote repeating the same vaccines in an extremely short period of time. That kinda invalidates the first assumption, that they work in the first place as advertised. But then you don't need boosters. And so on...

But as BBC states here, this is not the last winter when your social (and at some extent economical) life will be ruined. Even if Omicron is a Godsend and even BBC admits:

If you catch Omicron then you are less likely to become seriously ill than with previous variants.

Studies from around the world are painting a consistent picture that Omicron is milder than the Delta variant, with a 30% to 70% lower chance of people infected ending up in hospital.

But then quickly adds:

Changes to the virus seem to have made it less dangerous, but most of the reduced severity is down to immunity as a result of vaccination and previous bouts of Covid.

The reduced severity is not as result of vaccination. It's the evolution of the virus, that made it mild. Otherwise, you will have reasonable healthy people (the vaccinated) and really sick ones (the unvaccinated). But that's not the case at all.

And Omicron's real talent is infecting people. It spreads faster than other variants and can bypass some of the immune protection from vaccines and prior infections.

Saying that it's bypassing so called protection from the previous two doses of vaccines applied less than one year ago?

Two doses of a vaccine offer little protection against catching Omicron, which led to a massive expansion of the booster campaign.

Two doses offer little protection, but three will do?? It sure smells fishy here.

The truth is (the official one, no less) is that the protection is waning quite quickly (around ten weeks; 2-3 months tops). And that is not even counting the new mild variant, which seems to evade the protection whatsoever. So endlessly playing the same record, you will make the population believe that Omicron is really a danger and more vaccination is needed. But is it?

I can bet at this moment that 2022 will bring us 4th and 5th wave of boosters (and definitely other virus variants will be uncovered). Israel is already testing the 4th booster as we speak.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Germany (like other many countries) is screwed up by imposing new restrictions, even against the vaccinated people (who eventually must obey further to boosters).

Some are not, but this is not news that you will see on main media for example.

Protests have broken out across Germany in recent weeks as residents face tighter restrictions amid a fifth COVID-19 wave driven by the Omicron variant.

But the Covid based tyranny must go on. Reality matters no more.

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