Brave Browser

Brave new browser - No ads, no tracking, all batteries included!

 Internet   October 23, 2018

The new Brave browser blocks the ads and trackers that slow you down, chew up your bandwidth, and invade your privacy. Brave even lets you contribute to your favourite creators automatically.

BROWSE FASTER Browse the web up to 8x faster than Chrome and Safari.

BLOCK ADS & TRACKERS Brave blocks unwanted content by default and keeps count.

PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY Brave blocks the software that follows you around.

And some results for the famous video sharing site, Youtube.

Of course, any reasonable person will use some kind of ad-blocking in their own browser, but it's nice to see a final product packaging everything in.

Probably in a couple of years, Google will lobby for this kind of tools to be illegal. Because don't do evil.

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