Business owner in hot water over discriminatory entry policy

Discrimination to its finest.

 Social   November 15, 2021

We find out from this article that a business owner from Eindhoven decided to post a sign before his store stating: "no entry for unvaccinated". This obviously didn't go down so well, and some threats were issued against him.

His reasoning is the following:

"I did it because we are being limited in the Netherlands by the 1.7 million people who refuse to get vaccinated,"

Well, I think that despite his good intentions overall, he's actually wrong. We are only being limited due to the government measures, some of them being good cousins with insanity and stupidity. But the propaganda works well with some people, that are now firmly believing that the whole bad situation is due to the unvaccinated ones; not the first time in history when the majority blames the minority, huh?

Further more:

"People who call this discrimination do not understand what the word means," the owner said. "It is my store. I am allowed to have my point of view. I am allowed to be an exception if I want."

Well, yes and no. First of all, people understood quite well what discrimination is. And indeed, you can make any exception in your store... unless it's illegal or discriminatory. Is similar let's say, with going to apply for a job: you cannot be discriminated based on sex, religion or race. Or any other reasons; even if you're going to a private company.

If he thinks that he could do ANY exception with his store, how about the following signs to be posted there: "Black people are not welcome here", "Forbidden to Jews", "No fat people allowed",  "Unvaccinated should go to the end of the bus"...? The list can go on, I suggest him to be creative.

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