Dance teacher vs The Virus (all variants)

Dance teacher vs the Virus

 Social   August 10, 2021

From we find out that a brave dance teacher decided to take action into his own hands, and fight the virus right where it hurts:

"For example, a dance teacher from Utrecht says he has had death threats after imposing a vaccination requirement on his pupils and has now involved the police because of the intimidation. Peter Vlug says he has lost four pupils after refusing to teach people salsa who are not vaccinated".

First of all, giving death threats for this matter (or any other) is far fetched. Let's get this out of the way, it's bad and you should refrain from doing it. Seriously. But, since this is his business, imposing those kind of rules is just a way to conduct it and he's completely entitled to do it so if he wishes. However, also his "customers" (pupils) are free to say sod off, mate! and walk to another teacher with no such requirements. As we're reading from the article, mister Vlug wants to have the cake and eat it too, which is not quite the way it works usually.

However, the reason he cited for doing so is:

"He says he has taken the decision after researching the testing process and concluding that it is not watertight. ‘I was shocked by how unreliable they are,’ he told broadcaster NOS"

What? The testing is completely unreliable?? Really? And all these numbers used as the base for lock-downs, restrictions, curfews and closing business are actually... not quite right? Hmm... bad idea, Mr. Vlug, bad idea. (obviously he's referring to many false negatives, but the same logic could be applied for false positives as well).

His intentions are overall good, but maybe it's better for the pupils to be informed and let make the decision on their own (if they want to continue or not). After all, we presume that the vaccinated ones shouldn't worry about the virus, right?

"I have the responsibility to create a safe dance environment for my pupils"

On the same page and following the trend, three holiday companies in the NL are accepting bookings now only from the vaccinated people. And some are thinking of. There are a couple of issues here though: "fully vaccinated" concept is starting to change these days, and if for this year the number is 2 (doses), next year might be 4 or 6 or whatever. The patrons might choose to go with another company that is not requiring such thing, or find alternatives to travel with them at all. Not at least, even vaccinated people can get infected (during their trip let's say).

"An infection during a trip is a problem,’ chairman Frank Oostdam said.".

And also these discussions are happening when most of the people are already vaccinated:

"Research by the public health institute RIVM indicates 90% of the Dutch aim to become vaccinated, and around 66% of adults already are fully protected."

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