Debunking the debunkers - euronews and Ivermectin

Fighting the misinformation - as defined by the main media

 Social   December 27, 2021

As the end of the year approaches, we have different rankings done, top 100's, and whatnot. The news platform chips in with best misinformation debunks in 2021.

I won't go into details with the list, you can enjoy it for yourself at the link above. But this one (since it's directly related to COVID treatments) caught my eye:

The title states black on white that Ivermectin is not a cure for coronavirus. While this might be true (or not), I'm assuming that reading the rest will give us the counter arguments. Reading further, we're finding out the obvious: that is used to treat parasitic infections and you shouldn't go for your local vet to supply. Common sense, but still we don't know why is not a cure.

We find out that a high concentration of Ivermectin will mess you up basically. But this is again, common sense, and true for most medicines: over the prescribed dosage, everything becomes toxic. Try that with COVID vaccination and take ten jabs a day. Even the vitamins in excess can hurt you.

The director of WHO, Mr. Ghebreyesus has some issues with the infodemic that is fighting. If it happens to not know who's (pun intended) Mr. Ghebreyesus: he is the person in charge of the World Health Organization, who praised the Chinese initial response to COVID and who covered this situation for a couple of months, downplaying the importance of this information. He has also a history of covering endemics. Or like this one.

So, instead of actually giving some facts why Ivermectin is actually not a cure, euronews wash us with obvious facts, pretending that they debunk this. But even if this is not actually a cure, the whole politics now are revolving around vaccinations and not alternative medicines. And that's a red flag out there.

Important: this article doesn't promote Ivermectin as a confirmed cure to coronavirus. This is not a medical advise but it's about politics and one-side conversations.

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