Discrimination based on the vaccination status

As seen and described by Mr Reagan @ YT (cover by MrReaganUSA)

 Social   January 25, 2022

Today, a highly recommended video for you, named "My controversial tweet".

If you don't know yet about this (underrated) YT channel (Mr Reagan), then please consider check it out!

And as a teaser, some quotes from the included interview snippets:

"Q: It seems what you're trying to do here is impose some sort of cost on people who are unvaccinated as the stick there the sort of get them to roll up the sleeves and get the shot... how far is the administration willing to go to sort of, you know, turn up the pressure on the unvaccinated to actually get shots?

A: I think we've taken significant step here to make it difficult to come back to work or more difficult to come back to work if you're not vaccinated"

"If we apply mandates forcefully it actually moves a lot of people... Look, human beings are pretty predictable, if you say your paycheck depends on it or your ability to enjoy life and go do the things you want to do, people will make the practical decision overwhelmingly and they'll go get vaccinated but we aren't pushing hard enough, we got to go farther"

"Life will become very difficult for the unvaccinated from January 31, no pubs, no bottle shops,  no gym, no yoga classes, no gigs, no dance floors, no hospital or aged care visits"

"I want to be clear, life for the unvaccinated will be very difficult indefinitely"

"It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated, right now it's kind of the opposite..."

"I don't think anyone should be allowed on an airplane, domestic or international, or train, without being able to prove they've been vaccinated"

Next step: extermination camps for the vaccinated. Oh wait, we might have something already in Australia...

Original tweet: https://twitter.com/MrReaganUSA

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