You can do it yourself today!
Social March 8, 2025
Since "rearming Europe" and "strengthening Europe's defense capabilities" are all the rage these days, with the prominent European leader Ursula von der Leyen pushing for a massive €800 billion plan (when she's not busy blocking democratically supported candidates in Romania), it is quite appropriate to present the willing European population that wants to support the war effort with the available options.
According to this site (, you can easily be integrated into the Armed Forces of Ukraine and, for the fortunate ones, sent directly to the front lines (which are currently moving quite quickly, but in the wrong direction, as the NATO CEO would say).
> Which units do you recruit to?
> We recruit foreigners for all units under the Land Forces Command that have international teams, squads, companies or battalions in them.
Pretty much everyone's invited.
> Should I bring anything with me? If yes – what?
> You will receive all the basic equipment, including a uniform, weapons, body armor, helmet, boots, and more.
You don't have to worry, you'll be provided with everything that a modern soldier will need.
> How long is the contract? Can I terminate it?
> The contract is 3 years long and can be prolonged automatically. Yes, you can terminate it on your own after 6 months, but not during a combat deployment.
The generous contract duration is definitely much longer than the remaining duration of this war or Ukraine's lifespan as a country. However, it could be cut short due to unexpected circumstances, such as your death.
> What languages do I need to speak to be able to join?
> As of right now, we only accept people who understand English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian or Ukrainian.
A curious mix, but given the presence of South American or African mercenaries, it probably makes sense. Russian language, although subject to some restrictions in Ukraine, is required to understand when a drone will make a nice delivery to you.
> Do I get compensation for the tickets and other travel expenses?
> We do not provide compensation for the travel expenses. Otherwise, this would be a loophole to travel to Europe for free.
Please use your own money for traveling, we're not in the hospitality business.
> Do I get paid? How much? Do I get other bonuses?
> You get the standard pay of a Ukrainian soldier and it varies depending on the conditions of the service. Your payment will be in UAH currency to a local bank account. The approximate amount in USD is the following: $550 per/month behind the frontline, $1100 per/month for service in a dangerous zone, and up to $4800 per/month for combat deployment. Please note, that those numbers are just an approximation since exchange rates can change and also some roles and units receive additional bonuses.
You're going to earn a nice salary while working in a young and dynamic team, with friendly colleagues and opportunities for promotion. You may need to declare this to your local tax office, but that's up to you—wink, wink.
> Will I be considered a mercenary or a criminal if I join Armed Forces of Ukraine as a Legionnaire?
> No, you will become a fully legal serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, just like all other Ukrainians and non-citizens who bravely serve. However, we highly recommend checking with your local laws about your state’s stance towards people who served in other countries’ military.
Considered a mercenary ?! Obviously not. Well, not by Ukraine or Europe. However, it should be noted that Russians have no sense of humor, and mercenaries do not enjoy the same protections as regular combatants under the Geneva Conventions. You will most likely face a quick termination of your life, but not everything is lost—keep reading below for financial benefits.
> Do I get compensation in the case of injury or fatality?
> Yes. Injured soldiers are entitled to free medical treatment and a special payout in the event of disability, with compensation amounts varying based on the severity of the disability. Families of fallen soldiers receive a compensation of 15 million UAH, which is approximately $365,000. If a soldier is missing in action, their family will continue to receive their salary until an official declaration of death is made.The immediate family will need to open bank accounts and submit the necessary documents in Ukraine to receive this compensation.
Your death will generate an income for your family of around $365,000 (subject to taxation). However, make sure your corpse is easily found, as an official declaration of death needs to occur. Submitting documents in Ukraine will ensure fast processing, thanks to the highly efficient bureaucratic (and corruption-free) system.
> What roles can foreigners occupy in the Ukrainian military?
> Many roles, such as those in the air force, air defense, logistics, or medical specialists (except combat), require knowledge of the Ukrainian language, which imposes limitations. Typically, your exact role will be determined based on your skills demonstrated during the training process. However, if you have any preferences, please specify them in your email application. All units that work with International Legionnaires primarily recruit for frontline light infantry positions
There are a lot of roles, but only on paper, you can safely ignore all of them. Light infantry positions are the right place to be. Also, "light" is appropriate since you'll be provided with food and water for only a couple of days. Gluten-free and vegan options might be available (otherwise European Commission recommends eating insects).
> Will I get some training?
> Yes. Depending on the unit and on your skills. Some candidates are fresh from the military and can be deployed after a week or two of getting to know the command structure, the comms, etc. Others need more extensive training that can take up to 6 weeks.
Training? Yes, around 2 weeks. If you really don't understand why the safety lock is still in place on your brand new M16 rifle, you might need additional weeks. But don't worry; the future rewards will compensate for your efforts.
> Can I become a resident or a citizen of Ukraine due to my service?
> Your contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the basis for legal long term stay in Ukraine. Your contract / military ID proves that you are on the territory of Ukraine legally. You can not obtain an additional residence permit. However, your service is a pathway to citizenship. Also, there are several legislative initiatives to streamline the process of getting citizenship for proven foreign veterans.
Not so fast, cowboy! Yes, you might have a chance to become a Ukrainian, but not at the moment. Keep an eye on your email inbox, though—you might get lucky one day.
We wish all the participants good luck. Let this fancy version of Squid games begin!