
Building a Ter Apel one day at the time

 Music   March 4, 2024

The rage today, in preparation for the major blockbuster Eurovision, is the Netherlands' song 'Europapa' by Joost Klein.

It's a song with strong pro European Union vibes, vibes that would make Ursula apply for a second term as queen of the European Commission. Or wait, had she already done that.... :-?

The are interesting lyrics as well:

Welcome to Europe
Stay here until I die
Euro-pa-pa, Euro-pa-pa

Now, since Europeans already live in Europe, we suspect that the welcoming message is intended for other people, like the tens of tourists coming over by boats to enjoy the beauty of this old continent.

The videoclip is quite intriguing since he's doing the cut throat sign when the "until I die" lyrics is sang. Not sure what's the purpose of this, but we wish him a long and prosperous life.

However, some cultural enrichment might be in order, as we can hear the cry for help:

I don't need es-car-gots
Don't need fish 'n chips
Don't need paella, no
I don't even really know what that is

And almost in the end, as a conclusion for this breathtaking song:

My father once told me
It's a world without borders

His father was truly a dreamer, but unfortunately, life is different, and the lions are not drinking water next to the gazelles (at least not living ones). The train called "welcome migrants" left the station some time ago, but it seems that some people didn't quite get the memo.

We wish him success!

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