Good news are bad news

The mild Omicron variant is not a good thing for the government policies

 Social   December 26, 2021

At this point it's pretty obvious that the virus evolution (from terrible to mild) and the applied fascist policies are becoming quite distant, unrelated subjects. Governments all over the world are scrambling to find new reasons to maintain lockdowns, mask mandates and let's not forget about where the money is: vaccines. Well, the big chunk anyway, since now there is quite an industry based on the pandemic.

Despite positive news about Omicron variant, no restrictions loosened for the time being


That is a right title, but also wrong. The restrictions are not loosened despite the good news, they were actually enforced in the name of protection from Omicron! That's why we have a full lockdown now in the Netherlands, that's why everyone on the official channels is screaming in panic: boosters, boosters, boosters. Even Boris Weird Hairdo Johnson considers that Jesus wanted that for you.

According to studies from the United Kingdom, Denmark and South Africa, people infected with the Omicron variant are less likely to end up in hospital than people infected with the delta variant. In the UK, people infected with omikron are about 20 to 25 percent less likely to be hospitalized.

But this is not good for someone who's job is based on pandemic:

"That would be great news. But we'd like to see the studies confirmed based on more data before we get excited. But is a good indication," RIVM chief modeler Jacco Wallinga said.

Jacco Wallinga cannot say something that it will invalidate his institution official position, but at least it's wishing for the best. OMT overall is looking for excuses to ignore this sort of news, and more important, for the public to ignore this sort of news. After all, hope in a normal life must be crushed and replaced by constant state of fear, to justify more and more measures.

According to the OMT, there is "insufficient certainty about the properties of the Omicron variant to adjust the current measures

The current lockdown will remain in effect until January 14.

We already see different countries taking extra precaution or that medical experts are advising politicians to do so in Denmark, Germany and Belgium

This are the same people that in the beginning were started to promote Omicron as a deadly virus, a new variant that it will kills us all. They were betting on some terrible, even if there was no data and knowledge about. Now, that they have data, they want to swap it under the rug, in order to continue this insanity.

When was the last time when you heard you government acknowledge that they did a mistake in their evaluations and it's time for a correction to normality?

When was the last time when the government acknowledge that 85% vaccination rate of the population (this case NL) is actually a good thing and it should be seen as a victory? No, but instead they were eager to go after the remaining unvaccinated, even if overall this made no sense and proved exactly the point they were trying to avoid.

In a full season of Holidays, we don't need good news. We need to maintain fear, to continue to brainwash people to believe that it's really bad and only the government can do something good for us. Like they always did.

In the end, some people refuses to obey the idiotic rules about the number of persons in you own (private) home:

We have been celebrating Christmas together with the whole family for decades. Nobody is going to tell me how to celebrate Christmas," one respondent said.

With around 30% of the (dutch) population supporting at this point the measures, the government is walking now on really thin ice. But hardly they care. Their experts are doing the news these days.

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