Hard(core) lockdown in the Netherlands

Government is hell bend to f@ck us all. Rocco Siffredi gives a thumb up for a good shag.

 Social   December 20, 2021

Since Sunday, 19th Dec, the Netherlands is entering a new complete lockdown, repeating the situation from one year ago, but in a completely different scenario (dominated by mild Omicron). In a nutshell, besides some supermarkets and drug stores, anything else is closed. A full list of restrictions you can find here. The travel for holidays is still allowed (isn't it beautiful that the governments allow you to travel these days?!) but I assume this is part of strategy to sweeten a little bit the whole bitter pill that the Dutch people have to swallow. Again.

Omicron is the new scare used by the government, backed-up by so called experts. Being an expert doesn't mean too much, if your political (or personal) agenda makes you do bad things. And also doesn't matter that much if you're good, but too scared to raise your voice, due to the repercussions. Joseph Stalin was after all, an expert in eliminating people, but that doesn't make him an example to be followed.

Prime minister Mark Rutte said the new lockdown is unavoidable given the wave of infections which will hit the Netherlands in the coming weeks. ‘We have to take measures now as a precaution,’ he said. ‘We have to keep ahead of the wave that is coming our way’.

Source: dutchnews.nl

Note here that all the measures are taken as precaution. And they're only hanging on infections. Omicron is just your regular flu, and there is no other experts study that is otherwise so far. And somehow, they derive an increased number of hospitalizations based on the number of infections.

Jaap van Dissel, the director of the RIVM, another expert and also chairman of the government’s Outbreak Management Team (the experts organization backing up all the anti-COVID actions), admits that he's clueless about the new variant, but still he's firmly convinced that is worse than everything before:

Van Dissel said there was a great deal that was still unknown about the situation. "We do not yet know how sick it will make you. It may take some time before we have data on this,” he said. “If more young people than older people contract this variant, the infections are high, but hospital admissions are low."

Source: nltimes.nl

Well, d'oh! Young people are generally speaking more resistant with any infection, not only O(my God)micron. What's next to discover, hot water in the shower? And yes, we know how sick it will make you since there are people already infected with this! And luckily, it's a good virus variant for us.

The increase is about doubling every two to three days. In Amsterdam the percentage is already around 25 percent, and elsewhere in Europe we see we the same.”

See, it's almost the end of the world here. The percentage is already 25 percent. Percent of what? Well, let's take a look at the official numbers:

If we calculate 25% out of 600, we have an 150 people infected with the mildest version so far. In one week. In a city with 873k inhabitants. That means 0,00017% of the city. But we need a full lockdown. To prevent, you know...

‘I hope everyone will make use of the booster,’ he stressed. ‘As a country we are best protected if as many people as possible get a booster vaccination

As a country we're best protected if our leaders will not be experts. We need a booster vaccination now. Nobody is asking though, when in the history we needed 3 shots in less that one year to prevent a flu? Either we're talking here about Ebola deadly virus here (which it's obviously not), or we're having completely unnecessary vaccination.

The lack of official opposition against this idiotic measures is staggering. And frightening. The Government believes now that it can play God with the economy, stopping and starting it after its own agenda. That it can play God with people's life. That it can destroy Holidays, ruining birthdays parties and life for the young ones. That it can brainwash everyone and make them act as sheep.

Meanwhile, only a third of the population still supports Covid measures in the Netherlands. And this is dropping fast around here.

Source: brusselstimes.com

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