It's good to be me! (the King)

Dutch royal family and their budget, overall a happy match

 Social   September 27, 2021

King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, and their daughters pose at the Huis ten Bosch palace. 17 July 2020 - Source: Wesley de With at RVD

A happy family, made even happier after this year's budget planning. This time the King is reaching the happy number of 1 million euro salary. Tax free, that is. Plus some other 5.1 millions for his staff expenses.

Queen Maxima will get only 400.000 euros, which shows once again who's the head in the family.


It's good to be noticed that the Dutch Royal Family is one of the most expensive in Europe (and that includes the British monarchy) and some voices are saying even that the budgeted expenses are way lower than the real ones:

The biggest hidden cost to society is created by the fact that the Oranjes hardly pay taxes, the researchers say. Head researcher Rene Zwaap estimates the Oranjes' wealth at around 12 billion euros. This means that the tax authorities miss out on 192 million euros per year, according to Zwaap. 

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