Living with the coronavirus

Or the long term government plan to screw us all

 Social   December 24, 2021

These days our Dutch government is really busy with the measures and plans against coronavirus, since this is the number one issue in the country at this point. We'll ignore the rising inflation (not temporary at all), the house crisis, the 20% increase in price housing only last month. Yep, we'll focus on long term plans to live with the coronavirus.

Now pay attention: living with the virus DOESN'T mean that we all return to the normal life of 2019 or earlier (with good and bad). No, no, no! Living with the virus means that you have to acknowledge living with the idiotic measures in place forever now, no matter if the virus is mild now or so.

So, a group of 150 people together with the cabinet is working on a long term plan to screw us all. What does that mean?

That means, the paper said, family reunions in the summer, low key theatre shows in winter and education at home during lockdowns.

You're allowed to see the family on in the summer, but you have to get used to education from home and fucking social life of children. Large gatherings will be probably a thing of the past.

Sources in The Hague told the paper that the entire society, not just hospitals and company owners, will have to learn to adjust

In other words, company owners should take into consideration arbitrary closure of their businesses in the name of public health. Obviously, some will go bankrupt since they don't have the financial power of supermarket chains or other brands. But terminating the small private initiative might be part of the plan. And even if this sounds as a conspiracy theory, think a little bit how much the government (with the help of central banks) is influencing the economical environment at this point. How much the whole Western world looks like a big socialist state now. And note how easy any stupid idea is put into practice (and law) with no opposition and at a warp speed.

The sources suggest the plan ... It will focus on three main areas: the basic rules such as not shaking hands; winter measures and emergency measures for when things go wrong.

So winter measures (lockdowns, learning and working from home, etc) are now a main area. And not shaking hands is indeed, scientifically documented that is working (sarcasm here).

In concrete terms, this means we will have to consider it normal to wear a face mask at school and in the train, the paper said.

Normal to wear a mask?? At school?? That's fucking light years distance from a normal society! Like the plain stupid QR codes (or corona certificates) that are now expiring, btw.

A spokesman for health minister Hugo de Jonge has confirmed that a ‘separate working party’ is looking at the consequences of coronavirus for society but that there is ‘no firm division between healthcare and the economy’

A separate working party, a secret division or who the hell are they, is looking how to make us even more dependable of the government. And it seems that is true that there is no clear division anymore between the limits of the ruling class and the rest of the society and the economy.

As in the monkeys, ladder and bananas fable, that points out in the nice way the obedience of the rules, the government is preparing the ground for accepting the authoritarian rules for as long as they can be imposed. Mass media brainwashing and scare mongering about a virus that basically gave us its destructive power long time ago. But as the monkeys, we will keep on follow the rules without knowing why.

If you don't want to be just another brick in the wall, make your voice heard.

And least but not at last, Merry Christmas to you all!

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