Macron bans unvaccinated from a normal life

French medical apartheid at its finest. Just one step away from forced vaccinations at a global scale.

 Social   January 17, 2022

France’s parliament approved a law Sunday that will exclude unvaccinated people from all restaurants, sports arenas, and other venues — the central measure of government efforts to protect hospitals amid record numbers of infections driven by the highly contagious Omicron variant.


As promised not so long ago, Macron is hell bent to make unvaccinated people the most miserable life on the planet. And this Sunday he succeeded. Finally, there is now a law that will create segregation in the name of public health.

The main reasoning is protecting the hospital from the highly contagious Omicron variant. Highly contagious but quite mild variant. The last part seems to be ignored by parliament and, as shown in the Netherlands, even with high infection rates, the hospitalizations (and especially ICU occupancy) are going down and they are diverging quite a lot. Omicron is not at all a system breaker. But that's not the point at all, isn't it?

More than 91 per cent of French adults are already fully vaccinated, and some critics have questioned whether the “vaccine pass” will make much of a difference.

So, do you think that the whole effort of putting it in a law, and raise some trouble is only to cover the remaining 9%??? Nope! The 9% will be served a lesson, in order to make the other 91% to obey with no questions asked, the future health policy* forcibly imposed by the government. Combine that with the green passes that will expire every 9 months and you get the idea. Up to date vaccination will be required in order to maintain your status of vaccinated and be allowed, by you own government, to live a normal life.

New confinement measures would strike another blow to the economy — and could also cloud Macron’s chances of reelection in the April 10 presidential vote.

Maybe to the most of the economy will be a blow. But there is the whole pandemic industry, around testing, used materials, checks and vaccines that are scoring billions. Not sure how the politics are in France, but bigger changes are necessary now, not than just Macron leaving the office.

Up to now, a COVID-19 pass has been required in France to go to restaurants, movie theatres, museums and many sites throughout the country, but unvaccinated people have been allowed in if they show a recent negative test or proof of recent recovery.

The new law requires full vaccination for such venues, including tourist sites, many trains and all domestic flights, and applies to everyone 16 and over.

You have to notice, being infected with covid has nothing to do with access. If you're fully vaccinated, you can go everywhere, even if you're infected. If I'm unvaccinated, but I can proof that I carry no virus, I'm denied entrance.

This will not stop here. The next step is obviously forced vaccination of the entire population. Austria is already there, like a true fascist state, but France is not that much behind. Greece is already targeting some parts of the population.

*health by name, since it has less to do with the medical system and more to do with pandemic industry

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