Nobody is above Corona access pass!

No one should rise against Corona access passes!. Obey.

 Social   September 28, 2021

Corona pandemic (or how you wanna call it) might be now gone, but its legacy lives on: Corona access passes that need to be shown in every restaurant, theaters, cinemas, sports venue, etc. Since last Saturday (25.09) they've become mandatory all over Holland. But someone from the government had the courage to oppose such a measure! Outrageous!

State Secretary of Economic Affairs Mona Keijzer said in an interview with De Telegraaf:

“If you’ve ended up in a society where you have to be afraid of each other unless you can show proof, then you really have to scratch your head and ask yourself: do we want to go this way?”, Keijzer said.

The result: Mona Keijzer got fired. 

Getting some details from nltimes:

Keijzer has resisted coronavirus measures in the past but refrained from publicly opposing a decision. It is rare for a Cabinet member to openly voice their disagreement on a policy. The Council of Ministers says that a minister must always support the final decision by the Cabinet. Under no circumstances shall a minister or state secretary act against the decision of the council.

While the last part might be true under generic circumstances, what about the situation when everyone is too afraid to act against a fact that is promoted as the ultimate truth, when everywhere the censorship is enforced with a sick passion; after all, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

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