PCR Tests - when COVID numbers are based on lies

Deception by numbers.

 Social   December 7, 2021

That the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests are not a reliable tool in determining the COVID infection, I've heard several time so far, from different sources. And probably you as well. But these sources, sometimes, are not putting enough effort in properly argumenting the statements and it's easy to label them conspiracy theory or something between those lines. Other times, or most of the times, the official voices are censored and afraid of repercussions if they dare to contradict the official narrative.

After all, the whole paranoia is based on the PCR test positive numbers. Today, you can observe that the governments are still counting infection numbers, being not interested in counting instead hospitalizations (they're mentioned, but not as the first number).

Now, there is this article that I encourage you to read and share as much as you can. Draw you own conclusions.

As a teaser:

So it’s alarming to discover that there are no international standards for PCR tests and even more alarming to discover that results can vary up to a million fold, not just from country to country, but from test to test.

Even the CDC itself admits PCR test results aren’t reproducible:

“Because the nucleic acid target (the pathogen of interest), platform and format differ, Ct values from different RT-PCR tests cannot be compared.”

For this reason PCR tests are licenced under emergency regulations for the detection of the type or ‘quality’ of a virus, not for the dose or ‘quantity’ of it.

If you're looking for even more information about this, check newtube.app. It's the usual type of material that you won't find on the regular heavy censored youtube. Of course, take everything with a pinch of salt and do you own filtering on information.

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