RIVM screw up estimations, but they are still not wrong

A screw up that is acknowledged, but not corrected. They are never wrong.

 Social   January 21, 2022

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RIVM (the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) acknowledges they were too pessimistic in their estimations and the picture is tilting.

Fewer people become so ill that they need intensive care, but to what extent, Van Dissel cannot say completely.

Source: nltimes.nl

Jaap van Dissel, one of the biggest voice of the RIVM, seems to avoid giving a number when less people are going to ICU, but he's so eager to jump of the same numbers when we have a reversed situation. He's interating the Omicron is less likely to lead to hospitalization than Delta, but do you think we're going to hear some positive words now?! No chance.

Right after the acknowledgement, he's putting emphasis on numbers and how the healthcare system will be burden with possible hospitalizations:

those numbers would put "very significant" pressure on the healthcare system, Van Dissel said, according to NOS. "You wouldn't want those numbers in the Netherlands."

Of course it's all gloom and doom. Except that the reality is different. Very, very different. The latest official numbers are looking like this:

14 people per day for the whole Netherlands, with a total of 289. I don't know which numbers will make our officials happy, but 0 is out of the question, unless you're in China. We know why.

Beside we get only some brief explanations but no apologies for this big screw up, another question should be raised now: who's going to be held responsible over this one? These predictions are the base for the whole corona measures suite now. If the predictions were totally off, that means also the measures could be off by a big margin So, why they are still going on and why nobody is paying for this complete mess? A whole country life is affected by these wrong decisions, and whole generation is negatively affected.

So much for science and experts.

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