Sense8 - Netflix TV Series

Sense8 - cheap woke propaganda

 Movies   June 10, 2021

These days I had the pleasure to discover a TV series called Sense8. According to this is not quite new and it's already at season 2, but I've started easy with the first two episodes from season 1. Since it's somehow related to Matrix via the Wachowskis, I expected nothing less than an interesting one. How much disappointment followed...

The actual related action is about 5-10 minutes per episode. The rest is this full of virtue signaling, diversity by any means, woke-to-the-bone kind of stuff. First about the characters: do we have the regular American cop? Checked! We have the Asian girl? Checked! Do we have the Indian woman? Of course! How about a Spanish background guy? Yep! Black dude from Nairobi? Hell yeah! So it scores are many points as it can for the diversity thing.

Then the first episode is serving us a nice sex scene involving a lesbian couple. This theme is continued in the second episode, where we change sides for a couple of guys dudes (spoiler alert: one is Lito Rodriguez). And on top of everything, countless references to LGBT, Happy Pride and other related topics. Obviously a trans character is also present (Nomi Marks), but that's not quite a surprise since the Wachowskis are themselves trans.

There are also cheesy parts and all the regular woke clichées, but even so this series would have been fine if the things would be kept at minimum and not let to run for a big chunk of each episode. I mean, watching a full Bollywood dance in the second episode is not quite something that I can easily fit into the movie context, to say at least.

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