Shady vaccine business between European Union and Pfizer

The relation between 1.8 billion Pfizer doses and $36 billion revenues is Ursula von der Leyen

 Social   January 30, 2022

During the last year, year and an half, a global vaccination campaign was put in place, in order to secure us all from the famously Made in China virus. And while the campaign results, from a public health point of view, are on the dubious side, the business aspect couldn't be any much better.

In complete ignorance of the current virus evolution, that basically ends up this year having just a mild flu-like impact, the governments and Big Pharma are working closer that ever, to achieve their goals: unlimited tyrannical power on one side, and incredibly huge profits on the other side.

For this recipe to work, the governments needs to keep constantly their population in fear, under pressure, to remove individual liberties, the chance to a normal life, and to promote by any means the vaccination. Since those measures might not be enough, and the time might dilute their impact, some states, like Austria, Germany, France, Greece (and the list will continue) are already starting forcing all their citizens to get the jabs on a regular basis. The rest of the states are not there yet, but they're keep on making life miserable to everyone that opposes this policy. Call them anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theory adepts, threatening them with death:

"Germans will be "vaccinated, recovered, or dead" by the end of the winter." (Jens Spahn, the German minister for health)

But we're not here to discuss all these interesting topics. For this, please feel free to browse a little bit this blog. What we are here to discuss is an interesting article from euronews, (also in other places) that appeared briefly on top of the list this weekend and that states: Von der Leyen text messages to Pfizer CEO 'should be released', says EU ombudsman.

It seems that EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla were exchanging some messages related to the vaccine procurements for EU countries. This was revealed in some article in New York Times, in April last year. The issue here is that the details are completely secret, and there is no transparency in this sort of contract. And sure, having secure some doses of vaccines looks like a noble thing to do, but when you combine this with forced vaccination, things are not that so simple anymore.

How does she know how many doses we actually need? Well, as she's putting it:

“I am convinced that we are in this for the long haul,” she said.

She's playing big right from the beginning:

...the European Union will lock in 1.8 billion doses from Pfizer...

The new contract will include a 900-million-dose order through 2023, with an option for another 900 million.

Keep in mind we're currently in 2022, the pandemic is over for months now, but we have at our disposal 900 million doses for the new year, and then one more at least. To put it in perspective, the whole European Union population is around 450 million. That means she accounted for every person in EU (including kids and babies) to get 2 shots per year, by force if it's necessary.

The deal will establish the European Union as Pfizer’s biggest single client by far. Pfizer is forecasting revenues of $36bn (£26bn) from vaccine sales this financial year.

And this monkey business doesn't end here. It seems that her husband, Heiko von der Leyen:

Heiko von Der Leyen it turns out to be, as medical director, in the management team of Orgenesis, American biotechnology company specializing in cell and gene therapies, the very same technologies involved in mRna vaccines used by the most famous pharmaceutical companies against Covid

Or that EMA, the European Agency that is in charge or approving drugs:

... the fact that the pharmaceutical industries, through their payments, support 86% of the budget of the EMA Agency...

Cristian Terheș, member of the European Parliament, has an extremely good intervention here. We'll see on which extent Pfizer will actually reply to any questions or how much they will fake the terms.

So as usual, a conclusion to be drawn here:

When government and big business meet, that only means trouble for the citizens. At this moment, the only reasons the vaccination campaign is carried on is the huge profits that the pharmaceutical companies are enjoying, with the criminal complicity of the high level officials. Mandatory vaccination is a forced way to sell a product that most people don't believe in. The people are becoming just obedient consumers in the whole scheme of things.

But the same things starts to crumble now... And we can see that, the Emperor has no clothes.


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