Summer will be awesome... and then some more

Summer is coming, COVID lockdown is mostly gone, and then the fall. (Photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels)

 Social   June 19, 2021

Summer is coming, and the government, the knight in shining armor fighting against the deadliest virus ever, is announcing relaxation of most of the anti-COVID measures*; not everything, because it's not quite a good PR move, but also not too little since it will annoy as f*ck the Dutch holiday-goers. I mean, damn it, they will even pay for the COVID tests ... but only in July and August. Even if, not too long ago, they said that is out of the table, since it's not the responsibility of the government to sweeten the costs of the holidays for people. That changed. Because politics.

But, this piece of news makes it more interesting:

Because you never let a good crisis go to waste!

So much for the trust in vaccines and lock-downs that f*cked up the whole planet. Maybe the fall will be the starting point when we make vaccination mandatory for everyone, every year! Hopefully not, but never underestimate the government ambitions (which here in the Netherlands is by the way, not yet formed, even if the greatest prime minister alive, Mark Rutte, won the elections some time ago - it seems that it's not as popular as he thinks he is).

* including buying alcohol after 8.00 PM, man that's a relief! Scientifically based that kills the mood at the late night parties.

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