Targeted campaign for COVID vaccination

A nicely targeted vaccination campaign for the vaccinated. (Photo by Nathan Engel from Pexels)

 Social   October 7, 2021

News of the day:

Cabinet wants to increase Covid-19 vaccination rate with even more targeted campaign

How, you might ask? (Well, actually a better question would be Why? since 86% of the people are already covered).

... information films aimed at young people will be shown in cinemas before movies like James Bond and Dune

Well, the trick is that in order to get into the cinema to see this informational piece of film, you have to present your coronapas. Which means either:

  • you recently recovered from a COVID infection - in this case you most likely won't need the vaccination (antibodies are there), plus that a lot of previously infected people are already vaccinated
  • you are already (fully) vaccinated
  • you took a test in the last 24h and you're negative

As you can notice, only the people included in the last item might justify this. But since I hardly believe that a lot of teenagers will go through the hassle to arrange tests in order to get into cinemas, the question is: who exactly is the targeted public in this case?

I suspect it might be the unvaccinated teenagers that stood at home:

- Hey bro, you went to the cinema yesterday; how was that (James Bond) movie?

- Awesome dude! But check this out: I saw a beautiful clip about the benefits of vaccination, in a targeted campaign created by the government. Let me tell you all about...

As in many cases, money well spent.

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