Taxation in the Netherlands, Flevoland 2021

Taxation in Flevoland 2021 (Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels)

 Economy   February 15, 2021

With a rainy weather on the way, is it again the beautiful time of getting the taxation numbers from the city hall.

Without further ado, let's see them:

OZB Tarieven (House tax)

This is a percentage applied to an "official" valuation of your property (if you're the owner).

2020 2021 Increase absolute value Increase %
0.1578% 0.1517% -0.0061 -0.04

So we don't see that much difference here. What changes however is the taxation base (a.k.a. WOZ Waarde) on which this percentage applies. And as usual in the last years, the increase is significant. Therefore, if we consider a median jump of 30.000 euro for a property, the taxation will look like:

2020 - 0.1578% on 173.000 = €273

2021 - 0.1517% on 195.000 = €306 (+12%)

For the different house values, you can access this link.


2020 2021 Increase absolute value Increase %
1 person 252.49 €236.28 -€16.21 -0.064
2 persons €298.36 €268.20 -€30.16 -0.101
3 persons n/a €294.72 n/a n/a
4+ persons n/a €346.80 n/a n/a

Here something interesting happened: instead of using only 2 categories (1, 2+), now they're using 4 ones. And this leads to highly increased rates for families with 3 or 4+ persons (kids are counted as persons).

For example, a family of 4 paid in 2020 298. In 2021 they have to pay €347. That means an increase of 16% !


2020 2021 Increase absolute value Increase %
per 1 dog €93.00 €93.00 0 0


2020 2021 Increase absolute value Increase %
1 person €92.65 €110.40 €17.75 19.15
2 persons 140.01
3 persons 179.10

4+ persons €240.46 €264.84 €24.38 10.13

What we're noticing here is that instead of the last year when the increase was on average 8.5%. now we have quite big differences, ranging between ~8% and ~20% !

Overall this year no big surprises: inflation continues to show its ugly head, and life becomes more and more expensive. And with the trillions of euro printed out of the thin air by ECB on their way, more to see in the coming years.

And as bonus the original flyer:

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