Terminator - Dark fate (short review)

Terminator: Dark fate, a really crappy movie.

 Movies   January 17, 2020

This short uninspired review contains spoilers, but who gives a damn since this movie was so bad?

So, everyone knows that the Terminator 2 should have been the last one. But know, they keep on coming: Rise of the machines,  Salvation, Genisys and now Dark fate. And it's absolutely atrocious. A bullet list with what's wrong with this movie, not necessarily in this order:

  • playing the latest trend in Hollywood with "we need more females super heroes and shite", the "good" terminator (actually an enhanced human) is played by a woman (Mackenzie Davis - Grace). She's completely not up to the task, unconvincing with a boring acting most of the time. Plus she has a "torium mini reactor" (up her arse I initially thought) inside her body, to power all the ...well, super powers that she has.
  • beside the feminist part, the movie tries too hard to be "inclusive" and "diverse". Half of it is in Spanish.
  • the first part of the movie looks like a copy-paste of the T2 script. And most of the time, it's giving you the sensation that you're watching some kind of weird mix between Terminator 2 and The Matrix (at least for the highway chase, etc)
  • in the Terminator 2 it was a good chemistry between T800 and Sarah Connor. Now it's really forced, and it's just not working. Not to mention, that at the age of 63, Linda Hamilton is just not the right character to fight ultra-strong-fast-deadly terminator machines sent from the future. She looks old, and feels old. Bringing back elements from the T2 is just not working in here.
  • a lot of scenes in the movie are under the sign of "What the f*ck?", "How is this shite possible?" and so forth. I mean, I get that it's an action movie, but still... T800 has now a family? A purpose? Whaaat?
  • it brings absolutely nothing new on the table. Even the CGI looks sketchy in a lot of scenes.
  • it's about 2h long. 2h more that it was needed. James Cameron should take a break and start growing vegetables (or whatever he can properly do at this age).
  • this is not the sequel to T2, as promised. It makes no sense from the timeline point of view as well (T800 killed John Connor in 1998? But he was alive in the Rise of the machines...)
  • ....
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