Vaccination as a (Forced) Service - demo case: Austria

Austria is the start of a really dangerous trend.

 Social   January 18, 2022

The fascists in the Austrian government managed to be the first in Europe to (soon) impose a full forced vaccination of the whole population, on a regular basis.

“Without obligatory vaccination, we will always lag behind,” health minister Wolfgang Mueckstein said. He said the current Omicron variant will not be the last and it is still unclear how stable is the immunity gained after infection with the latest variant.

Lag behind what, to be precised? He's right the Omicron variant will not be the last, but does he try to eradicate all the viruses in the world? Because there will always be a virus and a variant somehow, somewhere. And it's unclear how stable (whatever that means) is immunity after an infection?? In the same way, we're pretty sure now, that the immunity gained after a vaccine is pretty much shite. We have to keep boostin' in order to protect ourselves from something that's doing much less damage than 2 years ago.

“All experts believe that we will need high overall immunity in the population next fall as well,” Mueckstein said.

Oh, experts! When you hear that word, it's safe to assume it's completely bullshit. And, if with vaccination rates of around 85-90% you're still looking for high immunity, it might be the case you're doing something completely wrong.

“With this vaccine mandate, we will succeed in achieving these important additional percentage points in the vaccination rate.”

That's the whole point, isn't it, achieving high vaccination rates. Like, 100%. But then, I will ask you, how you're going to justify you hospitalizations? I mean, with everyone in the country vaccinated, the whole bunch of people in the ICU will be vaccinated.

The fact of the matter is, the official focus now is to push down the throat of everyone in the country vaccination as a repeated service. It doesn't matter at all that the reality got better, or the variants of the virus are milder, or that the big part of the population is already vaccinated or immune. If doesn't matter if the economy is weak and socially a lot of people are taking a heavy toll. It doesn't matter if you're 18 or you're 67, the government will treat you as the same amount of risk. It doesn't matter what common sense is saying, and if you're recovering from an infection with a natural immunity ten times better that a vaccine. And also it doesn't matter if the produced vaccines are just low quality products, unable to even prevent the transmission of the virus. And it doesn't matter if you have your own opinion over your own health approach. You're owned by them.

The forced vaccination, combined with the expiring Covid passes, will make basically everyone round up for new jabs for the years to come. And they are a flagrant rape of our human rights. But this doesn't really count, when for example Austria will buy around 20 million doses vaccines, each year.

Parts of the legislation could be suspended by the health minister, with approval from a parliamentary committee, if for example future variants are milder or the experts say vaccination is no longer the way forward, Edtstadler said.

Don't keep your breath on that.

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