Vax vs non-Vax. This is the (wrong) question

Thoughts about vaccinated vs non-vaccinated people. (Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)

 Social   September 20, 2021

The Dutch health minister Hugo de Jonge is firmly convinced these days that the remaining number of non-vaccinated people (around 1.8 millions) will create havoc on the medical system:

The price of that freedom may mean restricted access to the healthcare system for people who need other types of treatment.


However, he fails to explain why before reaching 80% of vaccination rate, the system haven't already collapsed, given the sheer number of possible infected people. It was indeed under pressure, but to believe now that the whole situation will be worse, it's a kinda far fetched ball.

Meanwhile for the numbers, on 19 September:

Hospitals in the Netherlands admitted 40 patients with the coronavirus disease between Saturday and Sunday afternoon, patient coordinator LCPS said.
"Total hospital admissions related to the disease have fallen by about 21 percent in a week, according to the organization. ICU admissions alone have gone down by a third this week."

40 de patients in a country with 18 millions.

Another case, the big crowds gathered for the Dutch Grand Prix in Zandvoort:

88 positive Covid tests after Dutch Grand Prix, no major outbreaks

I cannot find exactly the number of attendees, but probably around 70-80.000 (with restrictions in place). In the same time however:

Coronavirus access pass rules were in effect for the Dutch Grand Prix at Zandvoort Circuit. Attendees had to show that they were vaccinated against Covid-19, recently recovered from the disease and therefore had immunity, or tested negative for the coronavirus.

Go figure that.


But we have also some news from ol' good Ireland:

Covid: 54% of hospital patients with virus are fully vaccinated.

Vaccination has drastically reduced the overall number of infections and reduced the severity of infections where they occur.


Of 55 patients in ICU, 26 were fully vaccinated, two were partly vaccinated, and 26 had received no vaccinations.

Now, since the normal citizens started to consider the whole Covid affair a thing of the past, the regular flu is getting fashionable again:

Healthcare sector fears flu epidemic in winter

"The healthcare sector is concerned about the strain a flu epidemic in the winter could put on the healthcare system, Het Parool reported."

"People have also been washing their hands more frequently and staying at home when they show symptoms of sickness. Now that the 1.5-meter distance rule will no longer stay in effect after September 25, the flu will have the chance to spread again.

Real life perspective, the famous 1.5m distance between people was mostly followed in the beginning of the pandemic. During the summer and now, there is no such worry amongst people: in other words, nobody cares anymore, especially after they got the shots. Just check the stores, supermarkets or the holiday parks.

Now the (resigned) government* is trying to convince businesses that they need to check for the "covid pas" all their clients (combined with identity papers). This already raised a lot of questions since a lot of restaurants and bars will have a hard time enforcing that. We'll see how this circus will unfold eventually.

Given all these, can we actually say that the coronavirus passes are useless and a pain in the back for the people?

* after so much time after the elections, the (in)famous Mark Rutte is unable to form a government. He probably thinks he's a great leader, but seems the others have a different opinion on this.

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