Welcome migrants - a double edge story

The divide is getting bigger.

 Politics   February 9, 2023

The woke ideology known as mass migration to Western European countries from different other places on Earth, especially Africa, has some consequences that started to be more and more visible (and hard to deal with).

Some countries are praising the Welcome migrants mother, Angela Merkel:

For her 'open door' refugee policy in 2015, the former German chancellor was awarded the Felix Houphouet-Boigny UNESCO Peace Prize in Ivory Coast's capital Yamoussoukro.

Words of wisdom (and a double standard) from Angela herself:

"Nobody leaves their country without a good reason to do so," Merkel said in her acceptance speech. "We all need to work to open up opportunities for people in their home countries," she emphasized, adding that the world must address the root causes of migration.

Others are not so keen to accept any more incoming numbers:

Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer has warned EU leaders that he is willing to block a European Council summit declaration on migration this week if the bloc does not pay to fortify its external borders against illegal entry. Nehammer's demand for concrete action on border protection came in an interview with Die Welt on Wednesday.

“The current asylum system is broken and primarily benefits the cynical human smugglers who take advantage of the misfortune of women, men and children,” the letter reads, calling for an increase in deportation and sending asylum seekers to “safe third countries” in addition to increasing physical border fortifications.

Not so long ago, Matteo Salvini in Italy took some drastic measures against immigration and commented:

I refuse to think of substituting 10m Italians with 10m migrants

His actions were soon fought back from the mass immigration supporters. Giorgia Meloni, the current prime minister of Italy got the same opposition in response of toughening the immigration rules:

Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni's two-week-old government is refusing safe port to four ships operating in the central Mediterranean that have rescued migrants at sea in distress, some as many as 16 days ago, and is allowing only those identified as vulnerable to disembark.
Once someone tries to be more drastic about this topic, is immediately labelled as far right, and shot down by the mainstream media. But the core problem remains.
Mark Rutte, the current prime minister of the Netherlands (who reigns more 13 years now in this position - even more than Kim Jong-Un in North Korea) also is pro mass immigration:
Building walls and fences at the external borders of the European Union will not mean a total end to the influx of asylum seekers. Prime Minister Rutte said this in the House of Representatives in a debate on the European summit that starts today.
He tries to undermine the efforts of some specific countries, like Poland or Hungary in protecting their borders:
"I want to detoxify the issue a bit. We are now getting something like: we are going to put one big 'Berlin Wall' around the EU. But if there is a fence or a wall, there are always gates in it," said the prime minister.
Mark Rutte is the same prime minister that blocked the labor migrations from Romania and Bulgaria to the full extent of the possible term, after the two countries joined the European Union. The borders remained closed until 1st January 2014. Now, he's applying a different standard over the asielzoekers. Which creates even bigger problems in the country than the labor market.

Rutte doesn't lose time to actually offend Bulgaria, in relation with rejection of the Schengen join.
Bulgaria’s president and caretaker ministers snapped back at Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte for his comments about crossing the Bulgarian border with a €50 bribe as part of his reasons to block Bulgaria’s bid to join the EU’s visa-free Schengen Area.
Maybe Rutte is right here. In order to get rid of the bribes, just let the borders be open doors. These East Europeans are just not getting it!

The whole topic is dividing even further the European Union, with some countries deciding to fight against, and some other countries deciding to fight against the first ones, even if the consequences are getting more and more visible.

As regular during the last years, double standard in politics seems to be the norm and the local politicians are losing the contact with their citizens and their countries, making decisions following more calls from WEF and such. The breaking point might be even in sight, but the aftermath will not be nice for anyone.
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