Wet dreams of the empress wanna be

Project Ukraine

 Politics   June 14, 2024

In a series of recent declarations, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, highlighted (if that was needed anymore) the real concerns of the EU:

"Putin must fail, we must help Ukraine rise from the ashes."

Is this an official confirmation that Ukraine has already lost, and that the main target is actually Russia and Putin? How about we're talking over the 12 sanctions packages against Russia and how they miserably failed? Is Ursula going to assume responsibility for these? Probably in the next mandate or so...

"Kharkiv is Europe, Ukraine is Europe."

How about, NO?!

"Ukraine will receive 1.5 billion of the income from frozen Russian assets... 90% of the amount will go to purchase weapons."

This is essentially stealing, and there is no legal basis for such an action. Ursula acts here like a true pirate of the Caribbean, looting whatever she can. However, this might trigger some nasty consequences in the world, and even the IMF warns about this reckless action.

Even so, purchasing more weapons will hardly change the course of the war now. The frontline is full of demoralized and tired soldiers who only want the war to be over. The rest of the men in Ukraine are just hiding from the draft, fearing that they will become cannon fodder soon, and the lucky ones who manage to escape in time have no intention of coming back to fight, or even to come back at all.

A whole country pushed into war and now destroyed, only because the United States is still having flashbacks from the Cold War with Russia and thinks it needs to do something about imaginary problems.

The Ukrainian Prime Minister puts a price on the table for Ukraine's reconstruction: between $100 and $300 billion in the next 10 years. Probably he's betting on the frozen Russian assets, but that's a long shot, even for the powerful Ursula.

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