
This is the price of a vaccine dose charged by Pfizer on EU taxpayers.

 Social   November 27, 2023

For a long time, the price of a vaccine dose has been concealed from the public, primarily under the rationale that the contract between the EU, led by the distinguished Ursula von der Leyen, and Pfizer (led by its CEO Albert Bourla) is not public. Well, that's no longer the case.

As we're reading from different sources...

Pfizer is now sueing Poland (yep, the country) in order to recover all the money for the 60 million doses that Poland refused to get, citing force majeure. And since the value of these is estimated to 1.2 billion euros (around 1.5 billion USD), we can easily calculate that one dose was negotiated at exact €25.

The whole EU contract of 1.8 billion doses seems to around €45 billion*. which generated a nice pocket money for Pfizer. Crises are a truly money making machine combined with authoritarian behavior of the governments and a strong propaganda machine backed up by the Internet giants (google, youtube, etc).

"Warsaw has questioned the controversial role of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in the Pfizer deal after it emerged she had for weeks privately communicated with the company's CEO Albert Bourla during the contract negotiations. However, the European Commission claimed last year that her text messages with the big pharma boss on deals worth multiple billions of dollars executive could not be found."

*It might or might not include some chocolate boxes that Ursula received as a token of appreciation for her involvement

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