2G Access Passes won't stop COVID infections

The Dutch government doesn't actually want to stop the infection numbers going higher.

 Social   November 17, 2021

There is a lot of fuss these days about whether the access passes should remain 3G or they should be downgraded (or upgraded, depending how you see the problem) to 2G. The main difference from these two types is that the latter is removing the negative testing results from the access conditions.

On this last Tuesday (16.11.2021), the MPs gathered around and discussed this topic. There were some parties in the favor of it (like VVD and D66) and some against it (Socialists, GroenLinks, ChristenUnie).

Without commenting over this political non-sense, it seems actually that the government doesn't want to stop the rising number of infections (if that's the whole point of this charade), despite their declarations. By removing the only method of detecting the virus (by testing), they're looking more to punish the unvaccinated ones. It's also like a good lesson for the majority (85% vaccinated), when they will be required to take consecutive shots next year(s).

As bonus to the above, the number will continue their race, since those 2G will be shown by people carrying actually the infection. This is will be the future support for (more) government actions.

This move will also cover for the government being unable to explain why after lockdowns, extra measures, face masks and more important, a huge chunk of the population vaccinated, why the numbers are still high (>110.000 infections in one week) and why the life is not getting back to normal in any way.

People who have not been vaccinated, he said, are now most at risk of developing coronavirus, becoming seriously ill and spreading it around. ‘The choice is limits for everyone or letting things continue for people who are least at risk,’ De Jonge said.

That's pure bullshit. We've already through a period when no one was vaccinated! Then everyone was at risk and still, we go through. But now, event with the most majority protected, they're screwing the whole economy and social life because there is 15% left.

And no, the choice is not between limits for everyone or letting things continue. The choice is between continuing this insane show or just let life go on normally, with everyone taking their own decisions about protection (vaccines, personal lockdowns, whatever works for everyone).

But in that point in time, someone from the government should assume responsibility over some many things done wrong. Over vaccines that are not quite efficient as declared. Over so much misinformation.

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