Expading the vaccines market: children next

Vaccination rates as more than 80% are not enough for Big Pharma. Still money to be made. (Photo by Mike Jones from Pexels)

 Social   December 12, 2021

Since the vaccines market is a multi-billions dollars one, the big pharma and related governments need to invent new ways to keep it going. Since most of the people already took the first two shots, it's time now for so called boosters. But since this is not enough, the already vaccinated should come back in line for new shots. This will be achieved in the first instance by blessing the COVID passports with an expiration date.

The second step is to make vaccination mandatory, and soon, since the effect of fear and manufactured doom and gloom of COVID is faster fading away and the population start to ask questions. The recent Omicron variant is not helping that much, since it's at best mild but it's sold by the governments around the globe as being deadly as fuck. Like for example in UK, where some studies (paid probably by Bill Gates and co) are projecting 24.000 deaths in the most optimistic scenario. Which is completely bollocks.

But hey! Maintaining fear is part of the agenda. We just cannot let this crisis go to waste so easily!

And now, children.

Since they're a consistent part of the unvaccinated ones, they should be included in the pool. Faster and before mandatory vaccination takes start. Dutch Health Council recommends allowing Covid vaccines for all young children. I mean, how else? Despite the fact that children don't actually need this inefficient vaccines and they don't get affected by the virus. Remember when the whole vaccination campaign started? Of course you do, it was less than 1 year ago. They started with the most vulnerable people, the old ones. If that was the case, then implicit the children weren't considered vulnerable then (otherwise they would have much more priority against old population). But if they weren't considered vulnerable then, why they should be included now?

Health Minister Hugo de Jonge will have to decide if the ministry will adopt the Council's advice. There are about 1.3 million children between the ages of 5 and 11 living in the Netherlands. Roughly 40,000 of them are at a higher medical risk of serious disease from Covid-19, and were approved for the vaccination earlier this week.

Source: nltimes.nl

Hugo the Jonge will, obviously, approve this, since he has a major role in implementing all the oppressive measures. The numbers are just numbers, mostly exaggerated and created by experts.

In its letter to the Ministry of Health, the Council said the medical benefits of vaccination "are offset by relatively limited drawbacks." It added that side effects experienced by children had been mostly limited to "fatigue, headache, muscle aches or fever for a short time after vaccination. The risk of rare side effects, such as myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), is very low," the Council advised.

A lot of possible side effects. And even if it's low, the risk of myocarditis is there. Are you going to take the chance with your own children, when the infection with COVID is much less dangerous?

From the CDC mouth:

Since April 2021, increased cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported in the United States after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna), particularly in adolescents and young adults. There has not been a similar reporting pattern observed after receipt of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine (Johnson & Johnson).

And then a mindblowing explanation of why this is important to take place:

The overall situation will be better for children when there is a reduced need to implement restrictive measures on society, which often have an impact on the lives of children. One way to reduce the need for such measures is to increase the vaccination rate of the entire population.

Just to be clear, they're using children as leverage to point out that everyone should obey the vaccination (even if the numbers are already high), otherwise the freedom is lost. What kind of sick people will do this?

Keep in mind that not the virus is stealing this freedom from us, but the very governments that are supposed to serve our interests. The government covered with lies all these actions to remove individual freedoms, and now they're selling to us the same freedom in a changed form. We gave them a finger, and now they're grabbing the whole hand.

They're saying that's the only way to get back to the normal life, as defined in a different form now. But sometimes when you're confronted with only two impossible to accept options, a third one might rise:

A car set on fire in front of the train station, on January 24, 2021 in Eindhoven, after a rally by several hundreds of people against the COVID-19 policy. Rob Engelaar/ANP/AFP via Getty Images

And more uprising on its way.

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