What happens in the COVID business, stays in the COVID business

Adding insult to injury, Pfizer wants more money for nothing

 Politics   March 16, 2023

It's obvious these days (but for some still not), that the whole COVID circus was meant for control and money making.

There are several articles on this site itself where you can find mentions about QR passes, forced vaccination, ignoring facts, pro Big Pharma propaganda and a constant wave of brainwashing coming from the government structures or specific politicians.

One of these famous politicians is Hugo de Jonge, who was in charge of the implementation of anti-Corona policies for a good period of time, here in the Netherlands. Now he's in a different ministry, but still answering to his master, Mark Rutte.

However, De Jonge sees not reason why the Whatsapp messages during the pandemic are important to the public. The same messages that affected the public in a grotesque way. Nope. Ursula von der Leyen, an extremely important piece in this huge money making machine, plays the same tune. Mark Rutte the same. All the high level politicians look like they got the call from the same boss. These messages with extremely high public importance are either deleted, not "important" anymore or just misplaced somewhere.

Former Health Minister Hugo de Jonge does not want all of the messages he sent and received regarding the Cabinet's approach to the coronavirus pandemic to be released to the public. This includes messages transmitted in mobile apps, like WhatsApp, confirmed the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Interior after the story was first written by the Volkskrant.

Now, it's not only enough that the damage was done to the economy and the social life everywhere in Europe. Nope. It seems that Pfizer (one of the main beneficiaries of this business) wants to cash in, even after the COVID is dead and buried.

From this source we find out that:

... the US pharma giant still insists that it be paid for the full number of doses originally agreed upon, many of which would never be produced under the new terms.

The amendments to the deal – the full text of which has never been made public – were presented by European health commissioner Stella Kyriakides during a closed-door meeting in Brussels on Tuesday, but faced objections from some EU members.

Ursula vor der Leyen did a great job ordering 1.800.000.000 of jabs for her Queendom (aka European Union), but unfortunately the whole crisis ended up too soon. Jabs that were advertised as safe and effective (today known as complete lies). As you might note from the number, the plan was to continue full inoculation for the whole EU population for a several years, at least.

Polish Health Minister Adam Niedzielski argued that the current Pfizer proposal would favor Big Pharma, and has called for the secretive contract to be published, questioning the role European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen played in the negotiations for the massive vaccine deal.

An EU watchdog launched a probe into the negotiation and procurement process late last year, after von der Leyen’s office failed to produce personal text messages sent to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla during the talks for nearly 2 billion vaccine doses, prompting accusations of corruption.

Maybe one day, but before everyone's natural death, we'll find out the truth and see all the connections at the highest level between politicians, corporations and globalist structures as World Economic Forum. If you still think these are conspiracy theories (as they are labeled immediately), take note of yourself how the tone change during the last 2 years, and how many cracks started to appear.

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