Pfizer lied. Governments lied. And most people just bought it.

Cracks started to appear and damage control mode is enabled.

 Social   October 18, 2022

The today's headlines is a scandal in the making, and that's coming directly from the COVID related hearing:

You can find plenty of articles written on this subject, before this official acknowledgement. And it's good that, at least now, some voices are raising the right questions. The game was rigged from the beginning.

Who were the players?

Big pharma (Pfizer is the leading, but not the only one) with help from specific high government ranks all over the globe. So called scientists and experts paid by the government.

Important European names in the game

Ursula von der Leyen, Mark Rutte, Ernst Kuipers, Hugo de Jonge, Alexander Schallenberg, Emmanuel Macron and many more.

What was the prize?

Money (lots of) and power. Complete control of the population. Maybe a good social experiment to test the public obedience.

Techniques to achieve the goal?

Propaganda, using all the available major online tools (social media, etc). Suppressing the voices raising concerns. Hiding the agenda, but playing the "saving the population" card. Intimidating and forcing vaccination on people. Make them losing freedom in the name of the greater good.

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