NL residents less willing to get tested. Wait! What?!

Less testing means less official support based on the numbers (Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)

 Social   November 8, 2021

According to this article, it seems that even the famous rule-abiding Dutch citizens are getting fed up with this whole COVID business.

Despite the number of coronavirus infections in the Netherlands skyrocketing in the past weeks, the willingness among Netherlands residents to get tested if they have symptoms is dwindling. Fewer and fewer people are showing up at a GGD test location with symptoms. And a survey by public health institute RIVM showed that only 40 percent of respondents with Covid-19 symptoms went to get tested, NOS reports.

Truth is, after the whole vaccination campaign and the promise of the government that vaccines are the return to the normal life, people are starting to see the lies behind. It's now official that the vaccination doesn't stop further infections. That wasn't quite mentioned in the beginning of this year, when people started voluntarily to get vaccines, more out of civic (patriotic) duty. Since most of the people will get through the infection as they did in any other flu season, it's understandable why they avoid hospitals (where the chance to get worse might be on the table). Also, since most of them are vaccinated, it's clear that they expect to be better protected, therefore no need for useless hospital trips.

Epidemiologists Esther Metting and Frits Rosendaal gave NOS similar statements. "If you are vaccinated, you can still carry the virus and also transmit it to people who are vulnerable or unvaccinated. The only way to stop this virus is to detect infected people and isolate them in time to prevent them from infecting others," Metting said.

You can tell yourself at home if you suspect you're sick, right? But no! It seems that the government doesn't like testing at home, since the whole charade is built actually on these official numbers.

"Self-tests are mainly suitable for at-the-door testing for people who do not have any coronavirus symptoms. If there are symptoms, there is a considerable risk that the result of a self-test will not be reliable enough. Always get tested at the GGD with a PCR-test.

In other words, the self-tests are good only if you're have no symptoms. If not, they are not ... reliable? So what's the point to use them then? I understand if you get positive from self-testing to ask for a second opinion, hoping for the best. And a lot of people will test themselves when they will start developing some sort of symptoms, not just randomly during the week.

And why the government sent this year (free) self-testing kits via the mail to anyone applying for them if they are so un-reliable? Why they were distributed to teachers in schools and so forth? Belittling the self-tests in the favour of the official test centers sounds a little bit fishy. Or maybe not, considering how much money is spent (and made) with these facilities.

So maybe willing less to be officially tested is some sort of fight back response of the population, fed up with lockdowns, mandatory masks, mass vaccination, QR codes, economic hits across the industry and services implemented by a resigned government.

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