The Queen of the Energy Crisis in European Union
And similar to the COVID campaign, economically fighting Russia enters unicorn land
Since the government is part of the problem, and not of the solution
European Central Bank is a failure that will affect the whole European Union
Schrödinger's cat à la Ursula von der Layen
Or how you're going to stay in the cold. All in the name of saving the planet.
Gazprom helps EU to win the fight against climate change
When not imported from Russia, natural gas seems to be cleaner.
And the taxpayers will be the ones cover for it.
Lagarde is assuring us that everything is short term
And the main culprit is the European Central Bank (ECB)
The fix for the distorted housing market is even more distortion
Raging inflation in the Netherlands, as experienced by the simple citizens (Cover: Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels)
Inflation is rising: but the reasons are not the ones described by the main media.
And how the Dutch Central Bank discovers the hot water (Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)
Quick view over the subsidizing action. Too little and too late.
The price of energy continues to rise. Sky is the limit.
Winter is coming hard to us this year. Or maybe not. But for sure.
The gas price seems to leave childhood and become a teen.