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From 2026 the Dutch government decides how you'll be heating your home

Or how you're going to stay in the cold. All in the name of saving the planet.

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Cutting Russian gas is good, unless Russia is doing it first

Gazprom helps EU to win the fight against climate change

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Natural gas and the climate change hypocrisy

When not imported from Russia, natural gas seems to be cleaner.

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Dutch government created a big hole in the finances

And the taxpayers will be the ones cover for it.

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Europe is drowning in the inflation waves - but it has also a solution

Lagarde is assuring us that everything is short term

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The Netherlands has a huge inflation and housing problem - but no real solution

And the main culprit is the European Central Bank (ECB)

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Putting out the housing market fire with even more gasoline

The fix for the distorted housing market is even more distortion

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5.6% official inflation in the Netherlands

Complete the description of the article

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Dutch inflation in simple numbers

Raging inflation in the Netherlands, as experienced by the simple citizens (Cover: Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels)

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Inflation in the European Union hits 13 years high - nothing to see here, please carry on

Inflation is rising: but the reasons are not the ones described by the main media.

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House prices in the Netherlands - record after record

And how the Dutch Central Bank discovers the hot water (Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)

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Fighting the winter: Dutch Government in action.

Quick view over the subsidizing action. Too little and too late.

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Gas (and electricity) prices update

The price of energy continues to rise. Sky is the limit.

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Winter is coming (Ode to the natural gas price)

Winter is coming hard to us this year. Or maybe not. But for sure.

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The natural gas price is getting ugly

The gas price seems to leave childhood and become a teen.

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Dutch housing bubble by the end of 2021

Thoughts about the current housing bubble, in the Netherlands 2021.

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Life (in the Netherlands) is getting more expensive, starting with 1st July

Life in the NL is getting more expensive with 1st July.

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Rabobank and changes to cash deposits

Rabobank, cash and negative interest rate.

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ECB Balance Sheet March 2021

ECB Balance Sheet shoots through the roof. (Photo by cottonbro from Pexels)

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ECB is back in the game!

ECB promise us more inflation

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