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Dutch government is strengthening (again) the anti-Corona rules

 Social   January 20, 2021

Dutch government is strengthening (again) the anti-Corona rules

New anti-Corona rules

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Google dodging taxes via the Netherlands

NL "earned" money from Google in their tax dodging scheme

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Spain - coldest ever temperature 2021

Spain records coldest ever temperature

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ECB goes easy...

Creating euros out of the thin air in a responsible way

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Energy prices by the end of 2020, in NL

Energy prices by the end of 2020 NL

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Another battle won in the war against Coronavirus

Face masks now mandatory, 95 euro fine if not!

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Sweden, the wave of crime and (some) reasons behind it

Former police commander: Immigrants are behind the wave of violent crime blighting Sweden, but the authorities refuse to admit it

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Corona and the European stimulus package

Stimulus package for CORONA affected states.

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Taxation in the Netherlands, Flevoland 2020

Taxation in 2020. Increases over the last year.

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Terminator - Dark fate (short review)

Terminator: Dark fate, a really crappy movie.

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Blast from the past: climate change (false) prophets

Noel Brown - when climate change fails to match your (doom and gloomy) predictions. By far.

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Energy bills (a.k.a. natural gas prices) are set to rise again in 2020

Gas prices to go up in 2020, part of the government "strategy"

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Privatization is not what it looks like - energy sector this time

An article describing how the energy sector is moving into foreign hands, with a greater problem underneath.

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Weather forecast in the command line

Find out about the weather forecast in command line like a true nerd.

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Is the glass half empty or half full?

It depends how you say it or what the context is. It always did.

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Pi-hole: fighting ads one at a time!

A black hole for internet advertisements.

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Brave Browser

Brave new browser - No ads, no tracking, all batteries included!

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Energy costs in the Netherlands 2018

Energy costs in the Nethelands, as per November 2018

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Prinsjesdag 2018

Prinsjesdag 2018

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Salmon Made in Norway - more funky that you've been expecting

Farmed Norwegian salmon is one of the world most toxic food

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Swedish Documentary On Failed Immigration

A documentary that summarizes Sweden's absurd migration policies of the government.

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How to plant (more) trees with Ecosia Search Engine

Complete the description of the article

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