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The Great Reset - The movie

'The Great Reset' & The Future Of Technocratic Slavery.'Great Reset Movie' March. 20, 2023. 'Covid19' Medical & Geopolitical News. Andre Corbeil.

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What happens in the COVID business, stays in the COVID business

Adding insult to injury, Pfizer wants more money for nothing

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Ursula von der Leyen might be the leader of a highly corrupted structure?

Forced innoculation with untested and inefficient vaccines couldn't have been possible without high level EU corruption

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Pfizer lied. Governments lied. And most people just bought it.

Cracks started to appear and damage control mode is enabled.

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Covid vaccines efficiency is shit - says the Dutch Public Health Institute

Trying to sell in advance the autumn vaccination campaign

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Why Corona Passes are good for you?

A fine piece of propaganda from the all mighty European Commission

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Mark Rutte: Let's be friends again

As for a true politician, taking U-turns is a must

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The Dutch Government thinks to an open society, which is still closed

The Health Minister Ernst Kuipers is playing an awful bad cop - good cop game.

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Vaccination as a (Forced) Service - demo case: Austria

Austria is the start of a really dangerous trend.

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Macron bans unvaccinated from a normal life

French medical apartheid at its finest. Just one step away from forced vaccinations at a global scale.

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Omicron the Killer - a film by World Health Organization

Stop calling Omicron mild, it's messing up our agenda

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"You don't have a choice" and mandatory vaccination

As correctly narrated by Bill Gates two years ago.

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2020/2021 - a (Corona) Retrospective

After 2 years into pandemic, it's less about the virus and more about our freedom

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More harm than good - Pfizer case

Trial flaws in design and execution. Safety is overwritten by greed.

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Boosters over boosters over boosters...

Opponents to vaccine mandates protest in Nuremberg, Germany on Dec. 19, 2021. (Leonhard Simon/Getty Images)

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Debunking the debunkers - euronews and Ivermectin

Fighting the misinformation - as defined by the main media

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Brainwash. Vaccinate. Repeat.

Repeated vaccination becomes a norm after only one year after the start of the campaign

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Hard(core) lockdown in the Netherlands

Government is hell bend to f@ck us all. Rocco Siffredi gives a thumb up for a good shag.

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Pfizer (but not only) and the wonderful world of side effects

mRNA COVID-19 vaccination might not be safe as you're forced to believe

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Dutch Government is the new Grinch

In the name of all discovered and yet to be discovered virus variants: obey!

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Expading the vaccines market: children next

Vaccination rates as more than 80% are not enough for Big Pharma. Still money to be made. (Photo by Mike Jones from Pexels)

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